Corp No.A0094541G ABN:75471454678
(A Not for Profit organisation run entirely by volunteers)
P O Box 624, Warrnambool 3280
email: [email protected]
was set up to promote, organise and implement
Jazz Music events throughout Western Victoria.
Its first event was the 2017 Port Fairy Jazz Festival
"Port Fairy Jazz Festival"
is a registered business name of Western Victoria Jazz Productions Inc.
Corp No.A0094541G ABN:75471454678
(A Not for Profit organisation run entirely by volunteers)
P O Box 624, Warrnambool 3280
email: [email protected]
was set up to promote, organise and implement
Jazz Music events throughout Western Victoria.
Its first event was the 2017 Port Fairy Jazz Festival
"Port Fairy Jazz Festival"
is a registered business name of Western Victoria Jazz Productions Inc.